Graphic Designer
From Pakistan
Member Since May 12, 2016
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Graphic Designer
I am a Graphic Designer having 3+ years of professional experience.
- Able to take idea from conception and transform it into a highly marketable end product.
- Proven experience in catalog, branding, packaging, point of sale, print collateral, photo styling and advertising.
- Talented team member and driven team leader.
- Able to produce powerful results in a timely manner.
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- Job Profile Graphic Designer
- Year December,2015 - Present
- Company AizTek Technologies
Responsible for all sorts of designing stuff i.e websites, UI Design, Brochures etc.
- Job Profile Graphic Designer
- Year March,2016 - Present
- Company Ad Mark Solutions
Responsible to design facebook posts on daily basis.
- Job Profile Graphic Designer
- Year April,2016 - Present
- Company E Clinic International LLC
Responsible to create websites and apps related to medical health.
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