Are you looking to reach out to Angel Investors or Venture Capitalists / Private Equity Investors to raise money for your startup idea?
I will provide a list of 1,000 Angel Investors, Private Equity, and Venture Capital Investors in the USA and Europe.
In this task, you will get active Angel Investors 100% Valid email list (Less than 1% Bounce Rate)
Sheet Format:
I will help you save time and energy by providing Angel Investors contact information as you start your fundraising process.
This is a Premium List due to the fact it was updated in November 2020 with all emails verified. As a result, it is the best source to raise capital for your project or business from USA-based Investors.
As a professional web researcher, I have spent over 100+ hours filtering and sorting the Database into a list of Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW) Investors.
If you have a company or product that you want to promote to high net worth investors this is the best place to start.
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