There are many web development frameworks available these days. One of them is .6 NET by Microsoft. It is the latest NET framework being launched by Microsoft. .NET by Microsoft has got various features, tools that allows the developers to create high quality solutions. It is advantageous in developing new applications and software.

Why .NET is a trusted framework for app development?
There are many reasons why .NET is a trusted platform for developing new software. Some of those reasons are described below.
- Rapid Development: .NET is considered best for enterprise app development purpose because developers are allowed to reuse the components in the applications. This is why web development company’a in USAuse it. This is beneficial because it saves time of the developers as they need not require to write the code again and again in case the functionality and performance are same.
- Cross Platform: Although .NET is a windows based application it allows developers to build the apps across Linux, Unix etc. Also this platform simplifies the testing process of applications on different systems.
- High Performance: .NET software requires a less computing power and also makes use of low amount of memory to perform certain operations.
All the . Net software’s by microsoft undergo updates and new developments. Many new .NET platforms are being developed by Microsoft which is why it is used by backend development company. One of them is .6Net software. .6 NET has got all the new functions and features.
Features of .6 NET
.6 NET is incorporated with all the latest features and advancements. Below described are some of the advancements in .6 NET software.
- Unified Platform: The biggest advantage of using .NET 6 is that no it is a unified platform for development across all devices. There is the integration of browser, cloud, desktop, etc, and mobile apps in order to simplify the process of development. .NET developers can reuse components easily and integrate them in all devices for the similar performance across all aspects whether it is web or cloud.
- New Project Templates: There are much simpler to use and cleaner project templates that are incorporated in .6NET. All these templates provide many new features to the users, if they want to use them in their development process. Developers can easily make use of all those templates and suggestions to create accurate and precise files without adding to more lines of codes.
- C# 10 and F# 6: Two of the most popular programming language versions that is C# 10 and F# 6, support the .NET 6 framework. C# 10 is useful in making the code more accurate and leads to rapid application development. F# 6 is useful in improving the application performance and also simplifies the development process to an extent. It also offers a dynamic, profile-oriented optimization system in apps that delivers a swift code optimizations.
- Simplified Development: The new C# 10 features like the global and implicit usings, the use of namespace syntax, having natural type for lambda expressions, along with the features like Hot Reload and the Minimal Web APIs are considered to be one of the most important aspects for .NET 6 performance. It simplifies the development process as the developers do not get confused with the coding.
- Better Performance: There are some notable and commendable performance improvements in .NET 6. From File I/O, interface casting to the JSON serialization, everything is designed to deliver the best to .NET developers. The framework also consumes less computing power and memory, which enables the enterprises to scale their applications without facing any kind of issues in the performance or any problems in the existing solution.
- SDK Workloads: Another interesting feature that comes with .NET 6 is the SDK workload. .NET developers are provided to install only the nnecessary and required SDKs for their operations and leave the rest aside. For example if there’s a need for Xamarin, only that particular SDK is only installed, which makes the process of development easier. The smaller and focused SDK enables the developers to create the applications without any troeshootings with all the other aspects.
- Interoperability with F#: F# 6 now makes the framework more compatible with C# and other .NET languages. It simplifies all the difficult tasks for the developers and makes the development more prominant and efficient. There are some unexplored representations for F# active patterns. Along with this, it offers a simpler debugging and 4 times faster compilation of all the list and array expressions, which leads to much more improved performance than all the other previous version of .NET.
- Arm64: Microsoft has added a support for Windows Presentation Framework and Windows Forms apps, with a initial support of Preview 1 in the .6 NET. For the Mac, Microsoft has added support for the native and simulated Apple Silicon (Arm64) chips, also with the initial support in Preview 1.
- Portable Thread Pool: The .NET thread pool has been re-implemented in the form of a managed implementation in .NET 6. It is now the default thread pool in .NET 6 and the standard for .NET is going forward.
- Crossgen2: Crossgen2 has replaced the old crossgen tool. Crossgen2 enables the developers for the cross-compilation across the operating systems and also the architecture dimensions. This in simpler terms means that developers will be able to make use of a single build machine to generate a native code for all the targets.
- Hardware-accelerating structs: In .NET 6, Microsoft has improved all the performance for developers so that they are loaded and accessed in the CPU registers. The structural changes included are Struct promotion for HFAs and the Enregister HFAs
- Blazor Desktop Apps: Blazor is been extended to enable the developers to write Blazor desktop apps. This allows the developers to create a hybrid client apps that is useful for combining the web and native UI together in a native client application.
This was all about the .Net and the .6NET versions. It is seen that the .6Net has got all the new features and advancements so they are used by front end development company. They are very beneficial for all the web developers.
Author Bio

Prashant Pujara is the founder and CEO of MultiQoS Technologies, a recognised Flutter App Development Services in United States that provides digital development solutions to organisations and corporations.