Business without technology is impossible in this digitized world. Technology is meant to enhance the business performance and make more informed decisions for the betterment. This is where the term Business Intelligence comes into the scene. Business Intelligence (BI) is nothing but a collection of applications and tools that help the analyst to analyze different data originating from the business and the analysis help the managers to make fact-based decisions for the best outcome. Today, we have going to list the top BI analytics tools in 2018 that you need to have for bettering your business.

Top 5 BI Analytics Tools In 2018 –


This is the best BI analytics tool for visual analytics. The dashboard is extremely intuitive, and it is a drag and drop analytics tool. The developer continuously updates and adds new features which make it one of the most innovative products in the BI industry. You can transfer elements from one dashboard to another, and this helps in the better analysis by mixing different data and coming to an integrated final decision.

The tool has an advanced authentication system, and you can connect the tool with the third-party apps for seamless and collective working for the betterment of the business. You can access the tool from your smartphone and do all the required operation on the go. The company offers a free version of the software for Windows and Mac users with 10GB storage space.

SAP Crystal Reports

The tool works in sync with the database system to filter out data for analysis. It represents data in a report form, and there are various features for mixing vital data and coming out with advanced reports for boosting the performance of the company as well as spot the weak links in the growth story. It comes with nearly 25 languages, and the options are very intuitive for easy access and better report generations.

The sharing of the reports generated is robust. The system is useful not only for the analysts and managers but also for CA and HR members.  If you are a coder, you can write code on the system for getting exactly what you need. The reports indicate early changes and trends in the business and the company should progress accordingly.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft is known for their user-friendly products, and this tool is no different. It turns all the business information and data into easily understandable visual representations. The changes and trends in the business are identified in real-time, and therefore, the decision can be fast and more effective in yielding better results. You can access the tool for any devices. The sorting, filtering, and modification can be done instantly.

The drag and drop system to connect the data source to the reports is seamless. There is no restriction on data source connectivity, and the visuals are customization as per your business requirements. Each member in the decision-making team can have their own personalized views and dataset. The product is free with 1GB of storage.


Domo is a cloud-based BI analytics tool, and it is extremely robust for providing easy solutions to complex problems. Everything is available under one dashboard neatly, and users can choose form GUI-based data flows or SQL-based. Different users can adjust different features for making it suitable for their purposes. There are no restrictions on data connectors, and one can share data cards, join a discussion, make a presentation and much more remotely through it. The graphical and visualization parts are detailed and quite vast to choose from.

Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is known for personal report generation and dashboard customization. The tool is suitable for any size of a business, and it comes with a smart search system which helps in better interaction with data. There is a whole host of visual spectrums and analytics to choose from.

The web platform has a mobile-first design, and hence, you can access the tool on the go. If you are a developer, there is no limitation on what you can do on the platform. The data compression service is a major new feature that is hitting the market. There is automated indexing for faster fetching.

Final Words –

If you have not integrated Business Intelligence with your business and analysis the different scenarios and data, you should get the tools instantly. Apart from the listed ones, there are many reputable ones like IBM Cognos Analytics, Dundas BI and much more. You will be able to find the hidden secrets and opportunities to better your business from all perspectives.

You can start with anyone or multiple tools as listed above which are buzzing in all the industries with a digital presence. In today’s world, business with business intelligence is backdated. The tool enables you to organize social media data and analyze to come up with fruitful campaigns.